In a fictional world torn apart by constant warfare, societies of rats, mice, cockroaches, and lizards relentlessly pursue the interests of their nations. As these ambitions clash, one battlefield sees the end of all hope for peace. Advances in steam and diesel engines have given birth to merciless weapons of destruction, plunging the world into an era of unprecedented technological brutality. Theaters of War This war spans three distinct continents, each offering unique and challenging combat environments, but among them all are charred corpses, bomb craters, and the scars of incessant fighting. The Central Continent boasts swampy terrain and trench-ridden ground, making troop movement difficult and creating tactical challenges. The Eastern Continent is fortified with military bases, creating serious obstacles to any assault. The desert continent is famous for its sandstorms and dunes, which obscure visibility and complicate combat. Most buildings are destructible, allowing for a variety of tactical approaches when assaulting enemy positions and forcing players to strategically think through cover options. Each faction boasts an exclusive infantry arsenal, interesting models, and elaborate designs. You will be able to play missions for the famous RR (rats), FMR (mice), ERS (lizards), and RD (monitor lizards). Unit cards contain important information, allowing you to accurately and effectively control them on the battlefield. The game has elements of dismemberment and blood. The game is in early access and will be improved until it becomes something that can be remembered for a long time. We ask you to take a look at our Roadmap and not to overestimate the expectations of our small indie game. We hope that together with you and your help, we can make a great game!
Start: August 31,2024@08:00 AM (UTC)
End: February 09,2025@11:59 PM (UTC)
Categories: Gaming
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